Whether you have recently given birth or are feeling the anticipation of giving birth, it is no surprise that you might be feeling anxious. There’s a new life that you are responsible for and many times it’s difficult for your partner or family to understand the burden that you are under. No wonder this pressure is leading you to maybe feel depressed or overwhelmed. For the most part those around you haven’t had much change in their lives, while you grew another human being and ultimately feel the most responsible for this new person.
I hope your partner or family is helping you with this transition, but even then socially new moms are expected to take on a super human role doing it all (cooking, cleaning, going to work, taking care of the children, and more) with little thanks. As a result, whether those around you intend for it or not, it can make you feel pretty lousy. All the meanwhile your hormones are on a roller coaster. No wonder you feel the way that you do feel!
What is causing you to feel this oppressive self-blame and guilt? How could your boundaries look different? Your needs and wants are valid. How can you empower yourself? How can you connect with your partner or family in new ways?
It is normal to feel this way. Unfortunately society has not caught up to scaffolding mothers the way that it should. If you want to explore these questions or others in a safe space - let’s connect!